If you had gone down into the woods today you’d have had a great surprise

demo_setupWell if you had gone to Stainburn there were Santa Cruz bikes everywhere, not mention Orange bikes and Niners too. Not that you would have known it had you arrived before 9 a.m. the car park was virtually empty, it was cold and windy, very windy. But suddenly there was a flurry of activity as van after van arrived in all their fine livery. Doors opened and bikes poured out to be hung on racks.

Then the locusts, sorry riders arrived to start registering for the demo day. This process was somewhat disrupted by the strong wind doing its very best to blow away the Stif gazebo. But with a few bodies holding it down and a strategically placed van some semblance of normality was restored. Soon there was a long queue of riders clutching pedals waiting patiently for their steed of choice.

demo_signinThen there were no bikes in the car park and the red and descent line were littered with people riding bikes on the official marked demo route. Although there where bikes disappearing and reappearing from all over the forest, well you have to test the bikes to the full don’t you.

Then the first set of testers returned and the car park was a hive of activity again as it was all change different bike and different riders.

Suddenly it was knocking noon and the barbie was ready, burger anyone?

So did I try a bike or two well it would have been rude not to, wouldn’t it? A Solo and the 650b Heckler had to be tried, decided not to try the carbon Bronson just in case I liked it too much. All in all a good day.

So why not give Stainburn forest a go, can’t guarantee a Stif and Orange demo every day, but surely it must a good place to ride if its used for demos.

