Ride Kite Trails Wetherby – A new project!


14581412_10155326677368475_6337851219135710268_nSingletrAction are pleased to announce a new project in the offing.

For a while now a dedicated group of riders spearheaded by Richard Plummer have been exploring a way to enhance and formalise the riding in and around Wetherby.

The hope is to signpost waymarked loops of Bridleway, connecting with maintained cycle ways and traffic free routes to Harrogate, and Leeds, and in addition create a skills area in Wetherby itself.

The Red Kite Trails group have already made progress in talking to landowners and the town council and building a relationship with those and other local groups, and they have attended dig days with us to get first hand experience, and at the Sutton Banks National Park Centre where the waymarked Rights of Way loops have been a great success.

SingletrAction are very proud to have been approached to be part of the project and look forward to helping make this bright idea a rideable reality.

If you are interested in this project or live in or near Wetherby please join the group to stay up to date.


We will have Red Kite Trails pages on our site, which we are redesigning, so in the meantime please red through the posts on the page above, which is viewable without a facebook account, and by the time shovels hit dirt, we’ll have pages up and live.