Roots Riding

I set up Roots Riding as a way to share the great riding we have on offer in North Leeds and The Dales. Over the last year I have been tweaking routes and skills courses, setting up websites and social media and of course putting in countless hours exploring trails on the bike. After all the hard work, I’m really excited about what I’ve got to offer fellow riders. Hopefully the new Uplift Day movie will showcase some of the great trails and good times that are had while out in the hills.

As an added bonus, I’ll be offering SingletrAction members a 10% discount on all of the Guided Rides, Skills Days and Maintenance courses that Roots Riding offer.

I’ll be about riding in The Dales and at various events throughout the year, come and say hello and find out what Roots Riding is all about.

Check out our video from the dales uplift day here

