It’s with great sadness but due to issues with red tape and insurance we will not be able to run this event as planned on Sunday the 15th April.
For everyone’s benefit we wanted to ensure the event was properly organised with appropriate permissions and provisions and it doesn’t look like we will be able to make that happen in with the timescales we have available and I didn’t want to cancel at the last minute.
We will continue to press on to resolve the issues and once we know we are in a position to proceed we will set a new date and make sure you are all invited. Remember its postponed not cancelled.
Can you please let any of your friends know who may not have contacted us but thought about attending just to make sure they are aware, feel free to turn up and ride the trails but we will not be on site that day and doing anything cheeky behind FC’s back. In fact we will now be at Dalby for the trailbuilding day and our rescheduled AGM (people already had the day free).