
Why join??

SingletrAction is a group of unpaid volunteers dedicated to trail design, construction and advocacy on behalf of riders.
SingletrAction exists and can continue to develop trails using money from our annual subscription and the generosity of supporters (shops, bike brands, donations etc) to help us pay for raw materials and maintenance.

We pledge to plough back the vast majority of funds into trails (we can’t say all because someone has to pay for stamps!)

Becoming a member of SingletrAction is a great way to support our work particularly if you can’t get out trail building. SingletrAction welcomes anyone who wants to be involved in a positive and constructive way. Some people give time, some money and we appreciate whatever is spared.

We are an entirely voluntary, not for profit group & SingletrAction’s future depends on a constant supply of new blood (that’s you!) to overcome the hurdles between the idea of a new trail and it’s actual existence, never mind overcoming mountain bikers natural apathy….

Have you seen Ocean’s Eleven? It’s about a crack team of bank robbers, each of whom has a special skill. Well that’s us 😉
So the question is, what skill can you bring to the table?

Tasks range from the physical suck as humping hardcore & shifting rock or manning our Ez-Up to spread the word.

Or the more shinyarse based:

• Liaising with Local Authority’s or Forestry Commission
• Chasing up Bridleway issues with your local Rights of Way officer.
• Lobbying your MP.
• Writing articles for our website & Facebook.
• Making videos or taking photo’s.

Even the more esoteric such as brainstorming & steering the good ship that is SingletrAction.

So what’s your skill?
Good with computers?
Take a mean photo?
Creative writing?
Ability to work like a dog?
Full of fresh/daft idea’s?
Or just got loads of good old fashioned enthusiasm…

Truthfully, passion is all you need dude 🙂

So if you got anything to bring to the party or something to say then you have three choices. Come to a Trailbuilding Day, join us in the pub or get yourself onto the forum or Facebook and have your say!

Apathy is our enemy & we can, if we choose, help to shape mountain bikings future

Not only do you get a warm feeling of contentment if you join but access to a number of benefits which can be viewed HERE.

When working on sites, particularly Forestry Commission ones, we are required to have third party insurance.

To be covered by this insurance you have to be a member of SingletrAction and to have “signed in” on the day of the dig.

SingletrAction membership is annual (valid from the date of joining for one year).

Membership is £10* (principal member) and £7 for each additional family member thereafter.
*initial members must be aged 17 or over; family members can be any age but if under 17 must be supervised by the initial member at any club activity.


The “VALUE” of Membership

Twelve months membership of SingletrAction costs £10.  That’s right, you have to pay for the privilege to dig, on your day off from work, in all weathers.   Bonkers!

But money makes the world go round and it’s no different building trails.

As a group we need cash to pay the bills (stamps, website subscriptions, paper, envelopes etc).  This uses up a very small proportion of our funds.

To build trails we need money for tools and materials.  This is what we spend the vast majority of funds (from membership fees and donations) on.

We’ve become pretty good at getting stuff at discount, relying on suppliers generosity when we tell them what we do.  We also believe quality gear makes the jobs we do better and safer.

Do you know what this stuff costs?

Wheelbarrows                    £40+ each

Long handled shovel         £32 each

Azada  (Chillington Hoe)   £28 each

Soil rake                               £27 each

Tonne of stone                    £20

Volunteers and a tonne of stone will build 8 metres of fully armoured trail i.e. £2.50/metre.   Compared that to an average cost of £18 – £30/metre for contractor built trails.

Where that money is spent is decided by the organisation, i.e. the members.  We spend money where it’s needed most and going to achieve the best results.

Membership Benefits

Core Benefits You will be covered by our Liability insurance (dangerous to do any trail building without this!). You can influence the trails on the ground, design new features, etc Free DALBY PASS when you attend 4 dig days at Dalby. This lets you enter the Great Yorkshire Forest free for 12 months (currently toll …